Rockstar Games Wiki

In the game Oni, Hasegawa is a family name for several of the characters. One possible writing is 長谷川 (Hasegawa) which, broken down by character, literally means 'long-valley-river.'

Dr. Hasegawa[]


Married Jamie Kerr whom he met in class when she was a grad student. They had two children; one oldest son and one younger daughter.


He was a teacher at school where he met Jamie. Provided activist support to raise awareness of the crises outside the city.


He became a scientist who not only researched more about the effects of the environment but began scientific work on projects to remediate its harmful effects.

Jamie (Kerr) Hasegawa[]


She was a grad student who was top of her class and a good person. She met her husband, Dr. Hasegawa when they went to the same school. Their children's names were Muro and Mai.


She used her intelligence and keen sensibilities to expose the government's lies about the environment. She took it into her own hands by investigating the suspicions she had and promoted awareness with her findings.


She wanted to change the world by undoing the damage the government had been so apt in keeping a secret.

